" 'Cause sometimes when you lose your way, it's really just as well. Because you find yourself. Yeah, that's when you find yourself." -Brad Paisley, "Find Yourself"

Thursday, October 7, 2010

5. General Conference October 2010

Some time ago, someone told me that taking notes in Conference should not necessarily mean that you write down what the speaker is saying, but what the Spirit tells you. I never tried that...I was too afraid. I'm one of those people that takes too many notes in class because I write down everything, whether or not it's important. It was even harder for me in General Conference, because everything is important, it's from the Prophet and Apostles. But this time, I decided to try it, to not write down anything but what the Spirit told me. It was hard, and I was not perfect, there are still some things that I probably didn't need to specifically write down, but it was amazing what I learned when I listened to the Spirit, how many prayers were answered. I also found that I had an easier time listening and remembering what was said, which is a strange idea. As I listened, I connected what they were saying specifically to my life; instead of some words said by someone on TV, they became a friend's advice to me, which meant that I remembered them.

So, I add my voice to President Eyring's: Listen for any word in a Prophet's talk meant specifically for you, and (I would add) listen to what the Spirit tells you. Write down what you, specifically, are meant to hear, for it will help more than anything else.

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