" 'Cause sometimes when you lose your way, it's really just as well. Because you find yourself. Yeah, that's when you find yourself." -Brad Paisley, "Find Yourself"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

20. Music Speaks Louder Than Words

So, I decided that since I'm a music person, I need to have at least one post about music on here, and this has been on my mind lately, because we have talked about it in Music 101.

When music was first written, it was accompaniment only, or used for meditative purposes. Over the centuries, people started recognizing that it has a power of its own. Today, it is the driving force behind movies, plays, TV shows, and life in general. You'd be hard pressed to walk down the street and not see someone with headphones in, listening to music. At the theater, if you're scared, it's better to plug your ears than close your eyes. Why? Because music is more powerful than words.

If you've never played an instrument, you may not have felt the soul to soul connection that can only come through music. I am one of those lucky enough in this life to feel that connection. As I play, I feel as if I'm speaking in a different language, one which everyone understands and speaks. I've felt the touch of another's soul on mine as I've either played or listened to someone else play. The only other feeling in the world I can equate it to is the feeling I get when the Spirit, a soul, touches mine and whispers truth.

That is why music is so beautiful and dangerous. Music can be used for great good: we sing hymns at church and bring the Spirit into our homes with good music. But music can also be used for great evil. Satan can use music to create turmoil, hate, anger, and contention. The leaders of the Church have begun stressing more and more how important it is to be careful of the music we listen to, because it affects us so deeply. Music arouses strong emotions, for good or ill.

I do not know if there has been official declarations on whether certain types of music are good or bad, but I know how I feel. That is what the Apostles and Prophets tell us: listen to the Spirit and what He is telling you. If He wants to leave when you hear a song, you shouldn't be listening to that song.

For me, music is a way to connect to God. It calms me down when I am frustrated, helps me recenter my life and focus on listening for the Spirit. That's why I keep playing it: I long for that connection to another soul, specifically to the Holy Spirit. I'd like to add my testimony to those of the Prophets and Apostles: listen to good music, for it will bring you great joy and be an helpmeet to you. Beware of that music which drives the Spirit away, for music can chase away the Spirit faster than you can say the name of the song. To borrow a quote from Forever Strong: "Listen right."

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